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Title of the journal: Mind and Science
ISSN print: 2062-204X
Website of the journal:
Periodicity: 4 issues/ year
Assessment of articles: double-blind peer


The Institute of Applied Social Sciences at the University of Miskolc launched in 2010 a new journal in social science with the title of “Mind and Science”.

We did this because we believe that today’s numerous social problems of North-East Hungary can also be reduced through our work. The colleagues of the journal, the authors of articles primarily work in higher education, so it is not surprising that they have confidence in the power of knowledge, the positive effect of the spirit. With this periodical, we would like to present ourselves, to let you know that we exist, and if our knowledge and work are needed and we get the call for meaningful work, we go and do what we can do to achieve the goal.

The journal, however, does not want to be a mouthpiece of a school or a trend. On the contrary. We intend to publish analysis and research results with empirical, scientist, positivist inspiration in large volume and wide extent. Among others, this is why the term of science is included – emphasizing this in the name of the journal.

The term logos (spirit) from the name of our science - sociology – is not in contrast or in pairs with society but with science! The two approaches - in contrast and in pairs - are neither random nor useless to think them over. The two concepts can be against each other if we think that science is also against and above everything which is not science. By contrast, if they are in pairs, they complement each other and contribute mutually and indispensably to the other's interpretation. Spirit is not just ’mind or sense’, intelligence, but the basis of science, as spirit and science belong to a great thing bigger than them, to the whole of what both of them originate from and for which they work together and complement each other. Mind and science - together.



Editor-In-Chief of the journal:

Péter Szepessy